The following represents various steps that form part of a systematic development of herbal and dietary self-sufficiency for First Nations peoples. Any particular Reserve or Reservation can determine which of these steps it is prepared to develop and invest in. The other steps can be coordinated with others carrying out the project to develop overall efficiency and economy of scale.
Growing/harvesting of:
1.) Herbs
2.) Grains
3.) Produce
4.) Fruit
5.) Drying of Herbs
6.) Storing/Transporting
of above
7.) Distribution Fulfillment
8.) Grinding and Encapsulating
9.) Bottling/Packaging
10.) Bagging of:
(a) Loose Teas
(b)Tea Bags
1.) Growing/Locating (wild)
2.) Harvesting
3.) Preparation/Storing
4.) Transporting
5.) Quarantine/Quality Controls,
6.) Grinding
7.) Encapsulating
8.) Bottling
9.) Labeling
10.) Packing/Casing
11.) Warehousing
12.) Order Entry
13.) Fulfillment
14.) Accounting
15.) Education/Training
16.) Sales/Marketing
17.) Graphics/Design work
18.) Packaging Teas and Loose Herbs
19.) First Nations Herbal Materia Medica
(handbook for use of the herbs and treatment of conditions)
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